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Creating a Resume using a template

If you have any experience with Microsoft Word, then using a template will be easy. If not, you might consider taking some classes at Goodwill to learn how to use the computer and more specifically, Microsoft Word.

1. Click the link above to "Download File" or click this link. This will download a "read only" version of the Resume template.
2. Click in the section labeled, "Your Name" and it will highlight. Once it is highlighted, you can type in your name. 
3. Use your tab key to move between the different fields in the document. If you prefer to use your mouse to click into those fields, you can do that too.
4. Once you are finished, save your document to a removeable device such as a USB or disk. Click the office button, then click save as, then name the file and be sure that the document is saved in the proper location.
5. If you would like some feedback on your resume, click HERE and you will be directed to the Resume Feedback section of this site.